- On Fuzzy Hypersoft Topological Spaces / Pages 1-19
Adem YOLCU Taha Yasin ÖZTÜRK - Investigation of the effects of sodium phenylpyruvate on pulmonary adenocarcinoma (A549) and mammary adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) on cell lines / Pages: 20-34
Abdullah DOĞAN Ali Nazmi Can DOĞAN - Evaluation of Graft Harvesting Operations from Anterior and Posterior Iliac Donor Sites by Finite Element Analysis / Pages: 35-48
Abdullah Tahir ŞENSOY İsmail Hakkı KORKMAZ Fatih MEDETALİBEYOĞLU İrfan KAYMAZ - Investigation the Effect of Boric Acid effect on Antioxidant System, HDL Levels and PON Activity on Rats Feding to the High-Fat Diet / Pages: 49-64
Destan KALAÇAY Onur ATAKİSİ - Biological properties of a newly isolated bacteriophage (NL1) that infects Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain / Pages: 65-74
Neslihan MUTLU Evren KOÇ Özkan ÖZDEN